- Convert TriAnnot GFF3 files to Apollo format -i InFastaFile -g GffDir -o OutputDir
-g, --gffdir # Directory containing TriAnnot gff files
-o, --outdir # Path to the base output directory
Converts gff data tracks from gff format to the game
xml format for use in the Apollo Genome Annotation
Curation program. This is for use with output from the
TriAnnot pipeline.
- -g,--gffdir
This is the directory that contains the gff output from the TriAnnot
program that you want to convert.
- -o,--outdir
Path of the directory to place the program output.
- --catout
Optional path to a single gff output file that will contain all
of the converted files concatenated into a single gff file.
- -i,--infile
Input FASTA file. The input fasta file will be used as the base file
to map gff sequence features onto when converting from gff to
game.xml output.
- --ap-path
Full path to the binary file for the Apollo Genome Annotation
Curation program.
- --usage
Short overview of how to use program from command line.
- --help
Show program usage with summary of options.
- --version
Show program version.
- --man
Show the full program manual. This uses the perldoc command to print the
POD documentation for the program.
- --verbose
Run the program with maximum output.
- -q,--quiet
Run the program with minimal output.
Error messages generated by this program and possible solutions are listed
- ERROR: Could not create the output directory
The output directory could not be created at the path you specified.
This could be do to the fact that the directory that you are trying
to place your base directory in does not exist, or because you do not
have write permission to the directory you want to place your file in.
The program does not currently use an external configuration
file or make use of variables set the user's environment.
- Getopt::Long
This module is required to accept options at the command line.
- Limited support for TriAnnot output
Conversion subfunctions are specific to the data type
being converted. Since the DAWG-PAWS process makes limited use of
the TriAnnot output, support is limited to the following
output files.
- trf
Tandem Repeat Finder
- eugOs
Eugene - Oryza sativa.
- fGh
Fgenesh - Gene Model Prediction
- gID
GeneID - Gene Model Prediction.
- gmHv
GeneMark Hordeum vulgare
- gmOs
GeneMark Oryza sativa.
- gmTa
GeneMark Triticum aestevum.
- gmZm
GeneMark Zea mays
The program is part of the DAWG-PAWS package of genome
annotation programs. See the DAWG-PAWS web page
( )
or the Sourceforge project page
( )
for additional information about this package.
James C. Estill <JamesEstill at>
STARTED: 02/09/2007
UPDATED: 12/11/2007
VERSION: $Rev: 330 $